Superheroes eating food: by superhero name, by what they’re eating, &/or where they are eating.
This catalog uses the category & tag system of WordPress.
Please note: Superheroes are tagged by their superhero names whereas other non-superhero characters are tagged by their given name. So, for example: there is a tag for Spider-Man, there is no tag for Peter Parker, but then there is a tag for Aunt May. Get it?
And too: Proper dishes/recipes get proper noun spellings. For example, there are “tacos” and then there are “Chupacabra Tacos.” You get it.
Also: sammich = sandwich.
a la mode alcohol Aldebaran Rum ale almonds anchovies apple apple pie asparagus bacon bacon roll Badgerade bagel baguette Baked Beans banana barnacle jus Batburger beans beef Beef Bourguignon Beef Chow Fun beef stew Beef Tenderloin Beeman's Gum beer Beer Pie beignet bell peppers Bendeery English Ale Big Mac black bean sauce BLT blue cheese blueberries blueberry Blueberry Pie bolillo roll Bonewine bourbon bread brioche brownies brussel sprouts bubblegum cigar burger Burp-Glorp burrito butter cabbage Café Du Monde cake Canadian Club candy Cappuccino Captain Binky Crunchy Nut Cereal caramel Carolina Reaper carrot carrot cake casserole catsup caviar celery Century Egg cereal cervelles Chamomile Tea champagne cheese cheese doodles cheese straws cheeseburger cheesecake cheesesteak cherry pie Chi Vhap Chi Chi chicken Chicken & Waffles chicken soup chiffon cake Chili chili dog chili pepper chimichanga chipped beef chips chives chocolate chocolate chip Chocolate Egg Cream Chocos chota samosa Chupacabra Tacos cilantro Coca Cola cockroach cocktail coconut coffee coffee eclair cookie cookies corn dog corn flakes corned beef Corned Beef Hash Corny Pups cottage cheese cotton candy crackers cranberry sauce cream cream cheese Creamsicle croissant cronut crumpet Cubano cucumber cumin cupcake cupcakes curry Dagwood dark lager Deja Chew Chips demon Detroit-style pizza dip dumpling dumplings earthworms eclair egg Egg Hat Egg In The Basket egg roll egg salad eggnog eggplant eggs Eggs Benedict elderberry wine Elokway empanadas enchilada energy blocks energy drink espresso fajita fake meat stuff Fettuccine Alfredo Fimbulvinter Pie fish fish & chips Flamin' Hot Cheetos flapjacks food pill French 75 French Dip french fries french toast fried egg fries Frost Giant Ice Stout fruit fruit salad fruitcake fugu Galbi Jjim garlic garlic aioli garlic fries gazpacho Girl Scout Cookies Glazed Mungtor graham crackers grape jelly Grape Nuts grapefruit gravy Green Bean Casserole green onion Grilled Cheese grinder groats Grublet Hash guava gum gyro habanero ham hamburger hash hashbrowns head cheese helado Hell Bacon herring Hoagie Hobies home fries horned melon horseradish Hostess Fruit Pie Hot & Sour Soup hot cocoa hot dog hot dog sushi hot pretzel hot sauce hotch-potch human ice cream ice cream sundae Jell-O jelly jerky Jidori chicken kale keema paratha ketchup Kit Kat Kung Pao Chicken laksa lamb shank lasagna lassi lemonade lettuce lettuce Limburger Limburger cheese liverwurst lobster lotus chips Mac & Cheese macaroni maki mango juice maple syrup marshmallows Martini mashed potatoes mayonnaise mead Mead Pie meatball meatballs mezcal mezcal worm milk Milk Bones milkshake Mimosa Miso Soup Molson Moonshine from the Moons of Saturn muffins Mulligatawny Soup mushrooms mustard nachos Nasi Goreng Nectar of Venus nigiri noodle noodles nori nuts oatmeal Oatmeal Raisin Olive Wagyu olives omelette onion onion rings orange juice orangeade oregano Oreos oysters Oysters On The Half Shell paczkis pancakes papaya paprika Paprikash paratha parmesan pasta pasty patty PB&J peach cobbler peach pie peanut butter peas pepperoni pickles pie pizza poblano polenta Pommes Aligot Pop Out Cake Pop Tart popcorn poppadom popsicle porridge potato potato chips potsticker Prepecenica protein bar provolone prune juice pumpkin pumpkin pie Pumpkin Spice Eggnog Latte Puttanesca sauce radish raisins ramen Reuben Sandwich ribs rice Rice Krispies rice milk Roast Babootch rolls rosé roti rum rye whiskey S'more Cookies s'mores sake salad salami salmon salt sammich samosa Samyang Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen sardine sarmale sauerkraut sausage scallion scone scorpion Scotch scrambled eggs sea slug sea-spice seaweed Sesame Chicken shawarma Shepherd's Pie Shoyu shrimp Shrimp Cocktail Shrimp Scampi Skittles smoothie snack Snail Loaf soda soup sour cream sourdough bread soy milk spaghetti spam Spam Fried Rice Spam Musubi Spamsilog spicy chicken spinach spring rolls Sprite Starkist Tuna Creations steak stew sticky bun strawberries strawberry strawberry vanilla ice cream stuffing submarine sammich sugar sugarcubes Sundae Superman Cereal sushi Sweet Potato Casserole swiss cheese tacos takeout tea tea sandwich tequila Thin Mints toast Toasted Worm Pie Toblerone tofu tomato tomato bisque tomato sauce Tonkotsu tuna turkey Tuscan Bean Soup Twinkies Twinkles V8 Valentini Special Hero vanilla vegan cheese vegetables veggie burger veggie tray venison Vichyssoise vindaloo vodka waffles walnuts water watermelon Watermelon Gazpacho wheatcakes whiskey whisky wine Wine of Dionysus yams yellowtail yogurt Zarg nuts
Abe Sapien Acroyear Adelbert Greywing Agents of Atlas Alex Danvers Alfred Pennyworth Alphonso Mackenzie Ambush Bug Animal Man Ant-Man Antibody Apocalypse Aquaman Arthur Everest Atom Atom Eve Atom-Smasher Aunt May Baal Batgirl Batman Batroc Beast Beast Boy Big Barda Big Belly Burger Big Red Billy Batson Black Adam Black Canary Black Cat Black Manta Black Swan Black Widow Blue Beetle Blue Raja Blur Boomerang Booster Gold Boy Brawn Brenda Del Vecchio Bruce Banner Bruno Carrelli Buffy Bug buncha ingrates Burnout CanHaz Cannonball Captain America Captain Bellybuster Captain Marvel Captain Marvel -Shazam Captain Sark Captain Universe Catman Catwoman Cerebus Chamber Cisco Ramon Cloak Colossus Conan CrackaJack Jackson Craig Marshall Crescent Crusader Cyborg Cyclops Cypher Dagger Daniel Sousa Danielle Cage Daredevil Dawn Greenwood Deadman Deadpool Death Delilah Doc Samson Doctor Doom Doctor Fate Doctor Midnite Doctor Strange Domino donuts Doom Doom Patrol Doug Ramsey Dr. Fly Dr. Mid-Nite Drax Dreamqueen Edwin Jarvis Elektra Elijah Snow Elsa Bloodstone Emma Frost Enrico Fermi Eternals Eugene Everett Evey Hammond Fantastic Four Felicity Smoak Fire Firelord Firestorm Foggy Nelson Forever Carlyle Franklin Reed Freddy Freeman Friction Frozone Galactus Gear Gena Landers General Ricker Ghost Rider Ghost Spider Giant-Man Girl One Glen Glitter Glob Granny Goodness Greatest American Hero Green Arrow Green Goblin Green Lantern Grim Reaper Gwenpool Hancock Harley Quinn Harpy Harry Daghlian Harry Osborn Hawkeye Hawkgirl Hawkman Hellboy Hellcat Hob Gadling Honey Badger Hourman Hulk Huntress Ice Iceman Ikaris Inferno Girl Invincible Invisible Woman Iris Allen Irma Geddon Iron Fist Iron Man Isabella Isaiah Ross J. Jonah Jameson Jack Frost Jack of Hearts Jaguar Jakeem Thunder Jakita Wagner James Forrest Jared Morillo Jefferson Davis Jemma Simmons Jesse Quick Jessica Jones Jimmy Olsen Joacquim Morray John Constantine John Diggle John Garrett John Myers Johnny Thunder Jonathan Joseph Manfredi JSA Jubilee Judge Dredd Judomaster Justice League Karma Katana Khonshu Kid Flash Kilowog King Mob Kingpin Kirsten McDuffie Kitty Pryde Kraven the Hunter Krypto Lady Cilicia Lady Shiva Lance Hunter Lena Luthor Leopold Fitz Linda Park Lockheed Lois Lane Loki Lord Fanny Lt. Stubbs Lucifer Morningstar Luis Luke Cage Luke Skywalker M'Gann Mach VII Madman Magik Magneto Man-Ape Man-Bat Man-Thing Manhunter Martian Manhunter Marvel Boy Marvel Girl Mary Embrey Mary Jane Watson Mastodon Matter-Eater Lad Matty Roth Melinda May Mera Mia Mizoguchi Micro Microtron Minerva Mirage Mister Miracle Mockingbird Molecule-Man Moloids Molten Man Mon-El Mondo Moon Knight Morlun Morpheus Mr. Fantastic Mr. Furious Mr. Incredible Mr. Terrific Ms. Marvel Naftali Nakia Bahadir Negasonic Teenage Warhead Negative Man Neo New Mutants New Super-Man Nick Fury Nightwing Nite Owl Nona Manfredi Northstar Nowhere Man Number 5 Ocean Master Odessa Drake Olive Silverlock Orphan Paco Testas Pado Swakatoon Peacemaker Peggy Carter Persephone Phil Coulson Photon Plastic Man Poison Ivy Popeye Porcupine Power GIrl Professor X Promethea Quake Quasar R2D2 Radiant Black Ragged Robin Raven Ray Embrey Red Dagger Red Hood Red Robin Reverse Flash Rita Repulsa Robin Rocket Rorschach Runaways Sand Sandi Brandenberg Sandy Chen Sasquatch Satana Scarlet Witch Scott Pilgrim Scuzz Sentinel Serpent Society Shamrock Shang Chi She-Hulk Shrinking Violet Sif Silk Silver Surfer Sin Smasher Smax Snapper Carr Solomon Grundy Soulstorm Spaceman Spider-Gwen Spider-Ham Spider-Man Spider-Woman Squirrel Girl Star Starfire Starman Static Steve Rogers Storm Sunspot Superboy Supergirl Superman Superman Jr Talos Tanya Taskmaster Teal'c Teen Titans Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Thanos The Body The Chameleon The Chief The Crow The Flash The Griffin The Human Torch The Joker The Kingpin The Mask The Oracle The Phantom The Punisher The Rhino The Rocketeer The Rose The Shoveler The Signal The Spectre The Thing The Tick The Vision Thor Thunderbolts Thundra Tigra Tina Carlyle TippyToe Torcher Toybox Trevor Bruttenholm Trigon Twilight Umbrella Academy Uncle Ben V Valkyrie Venom Vera Cantor Vicki Vale Viv Vivek Headland Vulture White Queen Wild Dog Wildcat Winn Schott Wolfsbane Wolverine Wonder Girl Wonder Man Wonder Woman X-Men Yellowjacket Yoda Zatanna Zee Hernandez Zelda Kurtzberg Zorro
A.B.C. Chinese Restaurant A.E.G.I.S. breakroom Al's Dive Bar Asgard Mead Chamber Bali Bali Restaurant bar Bat Burger BBQ bed bodega breakroom buffet Bulldog's Diner Busy Bee Food Mart café Café Pinot Café Rue Serret cafeteria Cal's Pizza campfire canteen car Charles Vergos' Rendezvous Cheyenne Diner Circle Q Clark's Diner Clarkston Cafe club Coffee A Go-Go convenience store couch Cucciniello's deli desk Dick's Diner diner dining hall dining room Doña Rosa's Famous Tacos Locos Food Truck donut shop Donutz dream drive-in Dunbar Drive In East Winds Club Eco-Fi Diner-Café Empanadas Royalito Empire Diner Famous Ray's Famouser Pizza fastfood festival Food Acres food cart food court food truck Frank's Soda Fountain gas station Gino's Diner Gnosh! Gotham Academy Grand Tavern Hamburger Heaven hideout hotel Hurry Curry Innkeeper's Rhyme Isabela's Diner Joe's Diner Joe's Hamburger Stand Kick-Ass BBQ kitchen Krispy Kreme Donut Shop laboratory Langer’s Delicatessen Le Poisson D'Avril living room Luck o' the Irish Mactavish's Mad Yak Café Mahjoub's Malibu Farm Pier Cafe McDonald's mess hall Noonan's Other Place park bench Pavé Milano picnic picnic table Pizza Kingdom Pizzarama Polizzi's porch prison cell pub quik-mart Randy's Donuts restaurant Rich's Cafe rooftop Rupert's Pizzeria Sabrett Sal's Bodega Sam's Seafood school Shalom Grill Shawarma Palace soda shop Sonny's Pizza stadium supermarket sushi bar Sushi-teria South Sushibuck's table Taco Taco tavern Ted's Restaurant Teddy's Bar & Grill The Bro Down Titanic Tony’s Pizza Top Rest Aurant Uncle Pete's Pizza vending machine Wilson's Two in One Hot Dogs wine-tasting World's Greatest Bar Zardi's Four Worlds Restaurant
advertisement bait birthday breakfast brunch cookbook cookie jar cutlery dinner fake food food-day food-fight food-theft fork halal Halloween hangover Hanukkah holiday holographic food homage lunch lunchbox MCI menu military field ration mystery meat mystery tea on-the-house onomatopoeia poison recipe shopping list Thanksgiving TV dinner
a la mode A.B.C. Chinese Restaurant A.E.G.I.S. breakroom Abe Sapien Acroyear Adelbert Greywing advertisement Agents of Atlas Al's Dive Bar alcohol Aldebaran Rum ale Alex Danvers Alfred Pennyworth almonds Alphonso Mackenzie Ambush Bug anchovies Animal Man Ant-Man Antibody Apocalypse apple apple pie Aquaman Arthur Everest Asgard Mead Chamber asparagus Atom Atom Eve Atom-Smasher Aunt May
Baal bacon bacon roll Badgerade bagel baguette bait Baked Beans Bali Bali Restaurant banana bar barnacle jus Bat Burger Batburger Batgirl Batman Batroc BBQ beans Beast Beast Boy bed beef Beef Bourguignon Beef Chow Fun beef stew Beef Tenderloin Beeman's Gum beer Beer Pie beignet bell peppers Bendeery English Ale Big Barda Big Belly Burger Big Mac Big Red Billy Batson birthday Black Adam black bean sauce Black Canary Black Cat Black Lightning Black Manta Black Swan Black Widow BLT Blue Beetle blue cheese Blue Raja blueberries blueberry Blueberry Pie Blur bodega bolillo roll Bonewine Boomerang Booster Gold bourbon Boy Brawn bread breakfast breakroom Brenda Del Vecchio brioche brownies Bruce Banner brunch Bruno Carrelli brussel sprouts bubblegum cigar buffet Buffy Bug Bulldog's Diner buncha ingrates burger Burnout Burp-Glorp burrito Busy Bee Food Mart butter
cabbage café Café Du Monde Café Pinot Café Rue Serret cafeteria cake Cal's Pizza campfire Canadian Club candy CanHaz Cannonball canteen Cappuccino Captain America Captain Bellybuster Captain Binky Crunchy Nut Cereal Captain Marvel Captain Marvel -Shazam Captain Sark Captain Universe car caramel Carolina Reaper carrot carrot cake casserole Catman catsup Catwoman caviar celery Century Egg cereal Cerebus cervelles Chamber Chamomile Tea champagne Charles Vergos' Rendezvous cheese cheese doodles cheese straws cheeseburger cheesecake cheesesteak cherry pie Cheyenne Diner Chi Vhap Chi Chi chicken Chicken & Waffles chicken soup chiffon cake Chili chili dog chili pepper chimichanga chipped beef chips chives chocolate chocolate chip Chocolate Egg Cream Chocos chota samosa Chupacabra Tacos cilantro Circle Q Cisco Ramon Clark's Diner Clarkston Cafe Cloak club Coca Cola cockroach cocktail coconut coffee Coffee A Go-Go coffee eclair Colossus Conan convenience store cookbook cookie cookie jar cookies corn dog corn flakes corned beef Corned Beef Hash Corny Pups cottage cheese cotton candy couch CrackaJack Jackson crackers Craig Marshall cranberry sauce Crazy Jane cream cream cheese Creamsicle Crescent croissant cronut crumpet Crusader Cubano Cucciniello's cucumber cumin cupcake cupcakes curry cutlery Cyborg Cyclops Cypher
Dagger Dagwood Daniel Sousa Danielle Cage Daredevil dark lager Dawn Greenwood Deadman Deadpool Death Deja Chew Chips deli Delilah demon desk Detroit-style pizza Dick's Diner diner dining hall dining room dinner dip Doc Samson Doctor Doom Doctor Fate Doctor Midnite Doctor Strange Domino Doña Rosa's Famous Tacos Locos Food Truck donut shop donuts Donutz Doom Doom Patrol Doug Ramsey Dr. Fly Dr. Mid-Nite Drax dream Dreamqueen drive-in dumpling dumplings Dunbar Drive In
earthworms East Winds Club eclair Eco-Fi Diner-Café Edwin Jarvis egg Egg Hat Egg In The Basket egg roll egg salad eggnog eggplant eggs Eggs Benedict elderberry wine Elektra Elijah Snow Elokway Elsa Bloodstone Emma Frost empanadas Empanadas Royalito Empire Diner enchilada energy blocks energy drink Enrico Fermi espresso Eternals Eugene Everett Evey Hammond
fajita fake food fake meat stuff Famous Ray's Famouser Pizza Fantastic Four fastfood Felicity Smoak festival Fettuccine Alfredo Fimbulvinter Pie Fire Firelord Firestorm fish fish & chips Flamin' Hot Cheetos flapjacks Flex Mentallo Foggy Nelson Food Acres food cart food court food pill food truck food-day food-fight food-theft Forever Carlyle fork Frank's Soda Fountain Franklin Reed Freddy Freeman French 75 French Dip french fries french toast Friction fried egg fries Frost Giant Ice Stout Frozone fruit fruit salad fruitcake fugu
Galactus Galbi Jjim garlic garlic aioli garlic fries gas station gazpacho Gear Gena Landers General Ricker Ghost Rider Ghost Spider Giant-Man Gino's Diner Girl One Girl Scout Cookies Glazed Mungtor Glen Glitter Glob Gnosh! Gotham Academy graham crackers Grand Tavern Granny Goodness grape jelly Grape Nuts grapefruit gravy Greatest American Hero Green Arrow Green Bean Casserole Green Goblin Green Lantern green onion Grilled Cheese Grim Reaper grinder groats Grublet Hash guava gum Gwenpool gyro
habanero halal Halloween ham hamburger Hamburger Heaven Hancock hangover Hanukkah Harley Quinn Harpy Harry Daghlian Harry Osborn hash hashbrowns Hawkeye Hawkgirl Hawkman head cheese helado Hell Bacon Hellboy Hellcat herring hideout Hoagie Hob Gadling Hobies holiday holographic food homage home fries Honey Badger horned melon horseradish Hostess Fruit Pie Hot & Sour Soup hot cocoa hot dog hot dog sushi hot pretzel hot sauce hotch-potch hotel Hourman Hulk human Huntress Hurry Curry
Ice ice cream ice cream sundae Iceman Ikaris Inferno Girl Innkeeper's Rhyme Invincible Invisible Woman Iris Allen Irma Geddon Iron Fist Iron Man Isabela's Diner Isabella Isaiah Ross
J. Jonah Jameson Jack Frost Jack of Hearts Jaguar Jakeem Thunder Jakita Wagner James Forrest Jared Morillo Jefferson Davis Jell-O jelly Jemma Simmons jerky Jesse Quick Jessica Jones Jidori chicken Jimmy Olsen Joacquim Morray Joe's Diner Joe's Hamburger Stand John Constantine John Diggle John Garrett John Myers Johnny Thunder Jonathan Joseph Manfredi JSA Jubilee Judge Dredd Judomaster Justice League
kale Karma Katana keema paratha ketchup Khonshu Kick-Ass BBQ Kid Flash Kilowog King Mob Kingpin Kirsten McDuffie Kit Kat kitchen Kitty Pryde Kraven the Hunter Krispy Kreme Donut Shop Krypto Kung Pao Chicken
laboratory Lady Cilicia Lady Shiva laksa lamb shank Lance Hunter Langer’s Delicatessen lasagna lassi Le Poisson D'Avril lemonade Lena Luthor Leopold Fitz lettuce lettuce Lightning Limburger Limburger cheese Linda Park liverwurst living room Lobo lobster Lockheed Lois Lane Loki Lord Fanny lotus chips Lt. Stubbs Lucifer Morningstar Luck o' the Irish Luis Luke Cage Luke Skywalker lunch lunchbox Lynn Stewart
M'Gann Mac & Cheese macaroni Mach VII Mactavish's Mad Yak Café Madman Magik Magneto Mahjoub's maki Malibu Farm Pier Cafe Man-Ape Man-Bat Man-Thing mango juice Manhunter maple syrup marshmallows Martha Kent Martian Manhunter Martini Marvel Boy Marvel Girl Mary Embrey Mary Jane Watson mashed potatoes Mastodon Matter-Eater Lad Matty Roth mayonnaise McDonald's MCI mead Mead Pie meatball meatballs Melinda May menu Mera mess hall mezcal mezcal worm Mia Mizoguchi Micro Microtron microwave oven military field ration milk Milk Bones Milkman Man milkshake Mimosa Minerva Mirage Miso Soup Mister Miracle Mockingbird Molecule-Man Moloids Molson Molten Man Mon-El Mondo Moon Knight Moonshine from the Moons of Saturn Morlun Morpheus Mr. Fantastic Mr. Furious Mr. Incredible Mr. Terrific Ms. Marvel muffins Mulligatawny Soup mushrooms mustard mystery meat mystery tea
nachos Naftali Nakia Bahadir Nasi Goreng Nectar of Venus Negasonic Teenage Warhead Negative Man Neo New Mutants New Super-Man Nick Fury Nightwing nigiri Nite Owl Nona Manfredi noodle noodles Noonan's nori Northstar Nowhere Man Number 5 nuts
oatmeal Oatmeal Raisin Ocean Master Odessa Drake Olive Silverlock Olive Wagyu olives omelette on-the-house onion onion rings onomatopoeia orange juice orangeade oregano Oreos Orphan Other Place oysters Oysters On The Half Shell
Paco Testas paczkis Pado Swakatoon pancakes papaya paprika Paprikash paratha park bench parmesan pasta pasty patty Pavé Milano PB&J Peacemaker peach cobbler peach pie peanut butter peas Peggy Carter pepperoni Persephone Peter Gambi Phil Coulson Photon pickles picnic picnic table pie pizza Pizza Kingdom Pizzarama Plastic Man poblano poison Poison Ivy polenta Polizzi's Pommes Aligot Pop Out Cake Pop Tart popcorn Popeye poppadom popsicle porch Porcupine porridge potato potato chips potsticker Power GIrl Prepecenica prison cell Professor X Promethea protein bar provolone prune juice pub pumpkin pumpkin pie Pumpkin Spice Eggnog Latte Puttanesca sauce
R2D2 Radiant Black radish Ragged Robin raisins ramen Randy's Donuts Raven Ray Embrey recipe Red Dagger Red Hood Red Robin restaurant Reuben Sandwich Reverse Flash ribs rice Rice Krispies rice milk Rich's Cafe Rita Repulsa Roast Babootch Robin Robotman Rocket rolls rooftop Rorschach rosé roti rum Runaways Rupert's Pizzeria rye whiskey
S'more Cookies s'mores Sabrett sake Sal's Bodega salad salami salmon salt Sam's Seafood sammich samosa Samyang Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen Sand Sandi Brandenberg Sandy Chen sardine sarmale Sasquatch Satana sauerkraut sausage scallion Scarlet Witch school scone scorpion Scotch Scott Pilgrim scrambled eggs Scuzz sea slug sea-spice seaweed Sentinel Serpent Society Sesame Chicken Shalom Grill Shamrock Shang Chi shawarma Shawarma Palace She-Hulk Shepherd's Pie shopping list Shoyu shrimp Shrimp Cocktail Shrimp Scampi Shrinking Violet Sif Silk Silver Surfer Sin Skittles Smasher Smax smoothie snack Snail Loaf Snapper Carr soda soda shop Solomon Grundy Sonny's Pizza Soulstorm soup sour cream sourdough bread soy milk Space Case Spaceman spaghetti spam Spam Fried Rice Spam Musubi Spamsilog spicy chicken Spider-Gwen Spider-Ham Spider-Man Spider-Woman spinach spring rolls Sprite Squirrel Girl stadium Star Starfire Starkist Tuna Creations Starman Static steak Steve Rogers stew sticky bun Storm strawberries strawberry strawberry vanilla ice cream stuffing submarine sammich sugar sugarcubes Sundae Sunspot Superboy Supergirl Superman Superman Cereal Superman Jr supermarket sushi sushi bar Sushi-teria South Sushibuck's Sweet Potato Casserole swiss cheese
table Taco Taco tacos takeout Talos Tanya Taskmaster tavern tea tea sandwich Teal'c Ted's Restaurant Teddy's Bar & Grill Teen Titans Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tequila Thanksgiving Thanos The Body The Bro Down The Chameleon The Chief The Crow The Flash The Griffin The Human Torch The Joker The Kingpin The Mask The Oracle The Phantom The Punisher The Rhino The Rocketeer The Rose The Shoveler The Signal The Spectre The Thing The Tick The Vision Thin Mints Thor Thunder Thunderbolts Thundra Tigra Tina Carlyle TippyToe Titanic toast Toasted Worm Pie Toblerone tofu tomato tomato bisque tomato sauce Tonkotsu Tony’s Pizza Top Rest Aurant Torcher Toybox Trevor Bruttenholm Trigon tuna turkey Tuscan Bean Soup TV dinner Twilight Twinkies Twinkles
V V8 Valentini Special Hero Valkyrie vanilla vegan cheese vegetables veggie burger veggie tray vending machine venison Venom Vera Cantor Vichyssoise Vicki Vale vindaloo Viv Vivek Headland vodka Vulture
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