Adventures of the Jaguar #7 (1962)
Written by Robert Bernstein
Artwork by John Rosenberger
Inks by John Giunta
Chef’s Note: We have seen before that forgoing a meal is common hardship among superheroes. Not so for the Jaguar! He can’t do a thing without eating something first.
Also, he loves food! And naps!
It all seems like a remarkably sensible and reasonable attitude for a superhero to have, to be honest. It is a job, after all, and no one should have to work on an empty stomach.
Chef’s Note: Does he actually pay for the burgers and franks he chomped? It really seems not, as he just curls up for snooze soon after, so this is another entry for superheroes stealing food as well. They just can’t seem to help themselves!
Onomatopoeia: chomp chomp | chomp
Pretty blasé. 1 star (★)