Moon Knight #10 (2017)
Written by Jeff Lemire
Pencils & Ink by by Greg Smallwood
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Chef’s Note: The diner in these scenes is depicted as being called Gena’s Diner. This is a small tip to those who know Moon Knight’s history that he is not in the real world here, as Gena’s diner is actually called “The Other Place” (odd moniker for a diner, but there you go).
Chef’s Note: Coffee is mentioned but where is it? The two glasses on the table certainly don’t have coffee in them. First, who has coffee in a glass tumbler? Second, that stuff is a pale yellow-orange in tone. Plus, there’s a straw in each glass? Orange Juice? Tang? Iced Tea?

Iced tea and pancakes just does not sound that good, does it? Greg Smallwood, your art and panel work in this issue are brilliant, but we really need an explanation here, please.