Action Comics #381 (1969)
Written by Jim Shooter
Artwork by Win Mortimer
Inks by Jack Abel

Chef’s Note: When I first began this project I had more than a few people suggest Matter-Eater Lad to me as a subject of potential interest.
While their helpful intentions were sincere, I confess I found it a bit irksome – after all, my project was specifically about superheroes eating food, and Matter-Eater Lad eats… matter, i.e., everything but food. It’s right there in his superhero name, people.
But then I was tipped to the unique scene displayed above – Tenz dining out at a fancy restaurant eating, and yes, raving about, actual ordinary food cooked by an actual human chef.*
Given the historic nature of this event, you would think that these “ordinary foods” Tenz thinks are so “terrif” would get quite the spotlight. You would think that, right?
Do we get to see a menu? We do not. Is there any mention of what they’re eating? No there is not. We do get to see a bottle of something intriguingly labelled “Nectar of Venus” but we have no idea if Tenz is having any or if it’s simply being brought to another table. We are even told the name of the specific restaurant they are dining at but at no point do we get any indication of what foods they are actually eating here, other than this singularly unhelpful image.
Very frustrating indeed – Mr. Shooter and Mr. Mortimer, please contact me immediately to address this grievous error in superhero food presentation.
Chef’s Note: Happy National Food Day!