Uncanny X-Men #2 (1963)
Written by Stan Lee
Artwork by Jack Kirby
Inks by Paul Reinman
Chef’s Note: We have seen superheroes steal ice cream before. Here is another chilling example: X-Man Bobbie Drake stealing three (3!) chocolate chip ice cream pops from the Merry Moppet ice cream man! His prior statement “just the kind of transportation I’ve been looking for” clearly reveals that this is a premeditated crime. Moreover, it is predicated on a deception, as he knows Scott will simply assume that Bobbie enjoys the cold.
There is also the question of how the Merry Moppet ice cream man knew that Bobbie had pilfered the pops? The only reasonable explanation is that he simply saw it in the rear view mirror. Which means Bobbie did the crime pretty much in plain view, and then has the nerve to pretend it never happened.
All of which leads to one of two conclusions: Bobbie is either a true IDGAF delinquent, and probably should just join up with the Brotherhood, or he’s just being an idiot.
Given some of his other moments in early X-Men comics, I’m going with the latter:

That’s not what pie à la mode is, Bobbie. Your name is “Iceman” not “Ice Cream Man”, remember? What kind of school is Professor Xavier running here anyway?
Chef’s Note: Happy National Ice Cream Day! Maybe offer some to Jean Grey as, being the only woman in the house, means she is definitely the one who should make dinner for all the boys when the cook has a day off.