Mister Miracle #5 (2018)
Written by Tom King
Artwork by Mitch Gerads
Chef’s Note: Reuben’s really are one of the best sammiches in all the worlds, and a more than decent choice for a last meal, goddamnit.*
Chef’s Note: Despite the signal interference, the sign in the first panel locates them quite definitively (because there’s no mistaking that font) at Langer’s Deli in Los Angeles, CA.
The hot pastrami sandwich served at Langer’s Delicatessen in downtown Los Angeles is the finest hot pastrami sandwich in the world. This is not just my opinion, although most people who know about Langer’s will simply say it’s the finest hot pastrami sandwich in Los Angeles because they don’t dare to claim that something like a hot pastrami sandwich could possibly be the best version of itself in a city where until recently you couldn’t get anything resembling a New York bagel, and the only reason you can get one now is that New York bagels have deteriorated…. The resulting sandwich, slathered with Gulden’s mustard, is an exquisite combination of textures and tastes. It’s soft but crispy, tender but chewy, peppery but sour, smoky but tangy. It’s a symphony orchestra, different instruments brought together to play one perfect chord. It is, in short, a work of art. —Nora Ephron, The New Yorker
Chef’s Note: Happy National Reuben Sandwich Day, good peoples.