Champions #8 (2016)
Written by Mark Waid
Artwork by Humberto Ramos
Inks by Victor Olazaba, Colors by Edgar Delgado & Nolan Woodard
Chef’s Note: Amadeus, the next time you ask a girl to “take up where we left off” try not to have soda mucus running down your face. This is unappealing to everyone and not in the least romantic or attractive, it doesn’t matter how much hair gel and body spray you use.
You may not think of the fizz in soda as spicy, but your body does.
The carbon dioxide in fizzy drinks sets off the same pain sensors in the nasal cavity as mustard and horseradish, though at a lower intensity, according to new research from the University of Southern California.
“Carbonation evokes two distinct sensations. It makes things sour and it also makes them burn. We have all felt that noxious tingling sensation when soda goes down your throat too fast,” said Emily Liman, senior author of a study published online in the Journal of Neuroscience.
That burning sensation comes from a system of nerves that respond to sensations of pain, skin pressure and temperature in the nose and mouth.
Chef’s Note: Again with the mystery meat! Amadeus arrives with a full grocery bag and a tray of takeout but all we know for sure are soda and popcorn. We don’t even know what kind of soda it is or if the popcorn is plain or flavored? Maybe this is an over-reaction but I can’t help but feel that comic book creators don’t really care about comic book food archaeologists.
Onomatopoeia: Pfffzzz
Sort of run-of-the-mill, but cromulent styling. 3 stars (★★★)