Deadpool #16 (2009)
Written by Daniel Way
Artwork by Paco Medina
Inks by Juan Velasco, Colors by Marte Gracia
Chef’s Note: I’m not a mathematician (comic-book food archaeologist, thank you very much) but 372,844 seems like a very specific number to cite. It got me curious as to how many pancakes would it actually take to fill a swimming pool?
And luckily for me, because I’m not a mathematician (see above), the Pancake Doubling Calculator exists and informs me that it takes a whole lot less pancakes than that to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool (around 33,000 or so vs. 370,000).
So what happened to the roughly… hmm… 340,000 other pancakes? Did Deadpool eat them all? While his body is capable of extraordinary and also super-gross things, this seems very unlikely. For one thing, I count only a dozen or so at most on the plate that we see him eating from.
Wait – why are we even believing what Deadpool says anyway? It’s not like he’s a reliable witness. And I really doubt he’s any kind of a mathematician.
Chef’s Note: “Smells Like Victory”
Chef’s Note: Happy National Pancake Day!