Green Lantern #40 (2015)
Written by Robert Venditti
Artwork by Billy Tan
Inks by Mark Irwin, Colors by Tony Aviña

Chef’s Note: What the hell Green Lantern Corps? Here is the last surviving member of his peoples offering the food of his homeworld (his Ma’s special recipe!) in good faith and cheer and you all respond with vapid excuses and contemptuous dismissals? Shame on you. So much for Esprit De Corps.
While it’s true that Hal ate only one bite, the important thing is that he sat down and shared a table with Kilowog.
Commensality — sharing a meal with someone, eating and drinking together behind the same table — is one of the most important manifestations of sociality in all cultures. Eating together confirms the sense of belonging, being part of a community. Offering food, no matter how plain, to a stranger is part of elementary hospitality in most cultures. Dinners spent together create and recreate families, friendships, and business relations. Assuring social relationships through food can happen both around the dinner table at home and feasts where those who don’t eat together everyday can meet up. Who’s invited? Who sits next to whom? What do the people around the table talk about, and what themes do they avoid? A shared meal is a social event where thoughts, experiences, and emotions are shared. On a more covert level, acceptance or distance towards other is being expressed, as well as respect or disdain.
Chef’s Note: Hash is a quite common dish here on Earth. While there are many variations, I am not aware of one whose main ingredient is grublet. Then again, human beings do in fact enjoy similar preparations-

Onomatopoeia: Gllp
Decent, both in cromulence and style. 3 stars (★★★)